Be Weary Of The Candy Corn
Written by Dr. Kyle Christiansen, Cedar Animal Hospital
With Halloween just behind us, many of us have stockpiles of candy around the house thanks to over-buying for trick or treaters or due to your own trick or treaters who bring in the big candy haul each year. Most people remember that chocolate is not safe for dogs to eat, but you may not know that your canine companion can get sick from other common candies. Candy corn, Skittles, Sour Patch, etc. are loaded with lots of sugar. While these tasty treats are delicious to humans as well as to our pets, they are not good for their digestive tract.
Candies high in sugar and corn syrup can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, even acute pancreatitis can occur. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed or irritated. This can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. In a situation where your canine companion may have been overzealous with the bowl of candy corn on the coffee table, the digestive enzymes released from the pancreas are activated so quickly they cannot get released into the small intestines fast enough, thus causing the enzymes to attack the pancreas which results in pancreatitis. Signs of pancreatitis can include: lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, inappetence (loss of appetite), and abdominal pain which most owners notice because their pet is painful when being picked up. Additionally, be careful with candy products labeled as “sugar free”. Many of these “sugar free” products can contain an artificial sweetener called Xylitol that is a common ingredient in these products that is toxic to canines.
Keep in mind, that after ingestion of any candy it may take a few days (48-72 hrs) before clinical signs appear. Be extra cautious as we approach the upcoming holiday season with unattended bowls of candy or goodies left on the counter or tables. Get something special for our canine companions such as Zuke’s Turkey-Pumpkin Ghost Treats, Greenie’s Pumpkin Treats, or Wellness Pumpkin Soft Bites. No matter what holiday it is, we want our pets to take part in and feel joy; just be mindful about what is out that they will eat!
If you suspect your pet has ingested any potential harmful material please call your veterinarian immediately to seek veterinary advice or treatment.
About Dr. Kyle Christiansen
Dr. Kyle has lived in Richmond Hill for 37 years and works as a veterinarian. He is a lifelong animal lover with a special place in his heart for Labradors who has worked over the years with multiple animal rescue organizations and spay/neuter programs. Dr. Kyle is co-owner of Cedar Animal Hospital in Richmond Hill, GA and sits on the board of the Bryan County Bark Park Association. To visit Cedar Animal Hospital on the web please go to https://www.cedaranimalhospital.com/